
Turbo Dork


"About Us
Turbo Dork:

Started by a mad artist in his Los Angeles Arts District loft, Turbo Dork is the culmination of years of testing and development. We have gone through hundreds of pigments and formulations to bring you what we think are some of the coolest, most show-stopping-est paints around. We are the new kids on the paint block, ready or not here we come.

Greg De Stefano:

Hi everyone! I’m Greg, the leader of the pack and the artist behind the paints. I am a photographer and I have spent my entire life tweaking light, texture, and color in real life and my images. I wanted to apply that expertise to my hobby and bring a new vision into the vibrant gaming renaissance we are in right now.

Meredith Placko:

I'm Meredith and you may remember me from pop culture news shows and websites such as What The Flick?!,, and as that girl who used to be really into cosplay. My role here at Turbo Dork is to make sure everything runs like a well oiled mechanical soldier. When someone responds as "Turbo Dork" on social media, it's most likely me. I'd say be nice, but we seriously have one of the best communities I've ever worked in, and you guys are always so rad. "

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